Day Two

Walking with Jesus

“While he was still a long way off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion for him. He ran to his son, threw his arms around him and kissed him.” Luke 15:20

If you are able to use the PMCH Prayer Chapel today, please take time to look at the two pictures which recall this story of the returning son and the loving father. One of them is of ‘The Prodigal Daughter’ by the wonderful Charlie Mackesy. (see below)

On his own admission, Charlie is obsessed with ‘the hug’.  His home if full of sculptures and paintings of that intimate moment. A hug is so powerful anyway, but it is also such a great reminder of how willing our Father God is to scoop us up and take us in his arms and hold us, forgive us and impart his healing love.

There is also a very powerful follow-up in this story. Eventually, the Father gently lowers the son to the ground and calls for a robe, a ring and a feast – great symbols of restoring the prodigal to their place as an heir and member of the family.  Like the prodigal, not only is God ready to show us powerful forgiveness in Jesus, but he also sets us back on our feet to step out into the next days and months walking with confidence with Jesus our brother at our side.

 Take some time today in your prayers to read through that great story again – Luke 15: 11-32

Is there anything from the past year that you need to repent of – “come to your senses” about? (v17) Can you tell your heavenly Father about it?

He longs to set you back on your feet.  What symbols of the confidence that you need as you step out might your Father offer you?  What can you do today to demonstrate your confidence in Jesus walking with you?

Pray for those working with our children and young people; for grace, compassion and sensitivity to the varying needs that the children and youth bring with them; for the young people themselves that they may grow up knowing their heavenly father’s love and friendship.


Day Three


Day One