Partner Charities
FAST is an international outreach project of PMCH where we share our faith in a practical and financial way. FAST, a social enterprise charity based near Brasov in the Transylvanian hills of northern Romania, aims to help marginalised children and families through educational, vocational and community development projects,
Our involvement started in 2007 and to date over 60 church members and close relatives have travelled to Romania in support of the work out there. Each year a team consisting of mixed ages and experience, work with the locals to share some of their hopes and dreams. Nigel Morris leads a team who undertake a variety of building projects working alongside Roma people to promote self-help and work ownership. Another team led by Helena Mitchell, focusses on children’s work on the Roma village providing education and social care. The week-long visit also serves as a time of fellowship and provides an opportunity to see the country and explore Romanian culture.
Leprosy Mission
TLM works with people affected by leprosy, people with disabilities, and marginalised communities, especially women. It has a diverse set of programmes Healthcare, Sustainable Livelihood, Community Empowerment, Advocacy and Communication, and Research and Training.
PMCH has supported TLM ever 1980. A team of people worked together to provide support and also meet together for regular prayer. Each year TLM looks at supporting the work in one particular area. Last year was Hospital Heroes where we supported the doctors and nurses providing money so the work could continue.which it has done The year before we helped build the new outpatients in Purulia Hospital. This year we were meant to be helping to provide the equipment for the outpatients at Purulia but because of COVID-19 there is a greater need. The patients are going hungry so this year we have been asked to donate so it is possible to provide food for them. TLM asks not only that people donate but also continue to pray for the work. “Wellesley Bailey said “The Leprosy Mission was born in prayer and cradled in prayer” and we continue to surround the work in prayer.
PMCH & Plymouth Soup Run
Plymouth Soup Run is a community and faith driven service providing free food and hot drinks to homeless, hungry and vulnerable people 365 days of the year. PMCH is part of this set up which is a collective of local churches, businesses, organisations and the Shekinah Mission.
The Soup Run team works closely with Plymouth Access to Housing (PATH), referring vulnerable people as necessary to the Rough Sleepers Team, Community Connections Team or signposting to other city services to help with any medical, health, financial, accommodation or employment support need. There’s even a street vet service to support the well-being of dogs etc.
For more information visit their website •
Cuttack Diocese in Orissa
For about 12 years the Plymouth and Exeter Methodist District have partnered with the Cuttack Diocese in Orissa, India. This has included visiting each other and supporting the Diocese in prayer, finances and many educational and health projects in the area.
PMCH church members involved with Methodist Women in Britain have contributed to the new inpatient block that the Berhampur Christian Hospital have built over 2 years and opened in February 2024. All the staff went a month without wages and are delighted they have modern facilities for maternity, special care baby units, paediatric, cancer and dementia wards, as well as operating theatres and new delivery suites. The outpatient department sees 193 patients a day and clinics in the tribal areas now have ambulances so more women are having their babies in hospital.
In February 2024 a team of 8 visited from the District and expressed the need for Doctors to go and help in the new hospital block.
To find out more about this exciting project visit