
The bible tells us that we are made in the image of God.

We know that God is generous and as we seek to live a life of faith we are called to be generous too! Right from the earliest teaching in the bible, we see that giving is a part of worship and discipleship. In Leviticus the people are encouraged to give their 'first fruits' seeking to remember how God provides for us. In the book of Malachi, the prophet speaks of the act of tithing - setting aside - an offering to God. At PMCH we want to embody these biblical teachings and live out a life that demonstrates the generosity of God - we would encourage you to prayerfully consider your giving on a regular basis.

Giving in worship is easy at PMCH - the easiest way to give is by setting up a regular gift by Standing Order - you can request a form here.

If you are a UK Taxpayer, please complete the Gift Aid declaration to ensure the value of your gift is maximised at no extra cost.

To make a BACS donation or set up a standing order, please contact the church office here and we’d happily send you details

If you are visiting us there are various ways to give at the Giving Station. Please as one of the team if you need assistance

PMCH Gift Day

Sunday 12 May 2024

This year’s Gift Day is fast approaching and we look forward to celebrating all the ways God has blessed PMCH over the last 12 months.

If you are a member of PMCH we ask you to pray intentionally about giving as a core part of our worship and take a look at the information provided