Students & Young Adults

Sunday in Church

11am | 7pm

Our morning services are available to watch ONLINE


Groups, support and serving opportunities

  • X:alt

    Wednesday 7pm - 9pm (If you need a lift meet at PMCH 6:30pm)

    X:alt is our group specifically for students and young adults led by our Lay Pastor Jonny and his wife Denise. We start with a meal and then study the bible together, and discuss how to apply the teachings in our lives. We also have a number of social activities throughout the year.

    Come and give it a go, it's a great way to get to know other 18-30's year olds studying or working in Plymouth. 

    Please email for more info

  • Prayer & Pastoral Support

    There are a number of ways we’d love to support you pastorally and in prayer. Among other ways we run a pastoral drop in service every Thursday at PMCH, more info here

    Alternatively, during term time the Plymouth Uni Chaplaincy is open between 10am-4pm (Mon-Fri), if you would like to contact someone from the chaplaincy please call 01752 587760 or visit the website

  • Get Involved

    We are always looking for people to join the team at PMCH. You may have a heart for worship, skills in IT and design or you just love to talk, we would love to help you use your gifts in the best way! Check out opportunities to serve here. Joining a team is a great way to meet people and feel part of the church family.

Find Us

Plymouth Methodist Central Hall
Eastlake Street
Plymouth City Centre

PMCH Office
Tel: 01752 660997

Charity No: 1127642

PMCH is part of the Plymouth & Exeter Methodist District