Jonny Libby
Lay Pastor
Jonny Libby heads up the staff team at PMCH as well as regularly leading our Sunday services. As the Pastor his responsibilities cover all aspects of church life and across our mission circuit.
"Having grown up in and around Plymouth Methodist Central Hall it is now my privilege to be a part of the staff team. Having accepted Christ as a teenager I can think of nothing more valuable than offering the hope I’ve found in him to others. What an honour to do this for a job!!
Zoë Haydon
Youth Pastor
We are thrilled to announce that Zoė has officially joined our staff team. Her experience and passion will undoubtedly enhance our efforts to nurture and empower the young people in our church. We look forward to the positive impact she will continue to make in this new role.
"I am really excited to be working with the young people that come through the doors of PMCH! Having had amazing youth leaders when I was growing up, I want to be able help young people in the same way. For them to understand what it is to walk with Jesus, to find out who they are in Jesus and discover what it is Jesus wants them to do as they grow into adults. What better job is there?!"
Amber Leach
Operations & Finance Officer
Amber oversees the day to day management of the church finances and operational management of the PMCH building. Amber has 10 years experience of running her own businesses. With a passion for efficiency and streamlining processes we are thrilled that she has joined the PMCH staff team.
“I am very excited about the role and using my gifts and talents to further the vision of PMCH to see the lives of people, communities and the city of Plymouth transformed and bring positive change to the entire city.”
Denise Libby
Under 11's Co-ordinator
Denise works with young families through Totstop - the toddler group, Messy Church and other activities for children.
“It is such privilege to be a part of the Children’s and youth team here at PMCH. I really feel part of a loving community and my heart is to extend that to all the families I have come to know through my work here. I just love to be alongside children and parents, having meaningful conversations and building friendships. My prayer is that everyone who comes through our doors will feel loved, part of a community and have the opportunity to know Jesus in their own lives.
Alice Wall
Children & Families Intern
Alice Wall has recently joined our Children & Families team as a volunteer intern which will massively aid this fast growing ministry.
"Since I have joined PMCH during my first year of university I have been able to participate a lot in children's work which has helped my faith a lot. I am very excited to learn and bring something to the children and families but also learn from Denise".
Graham Turner
If you’re visiting PMCH Graham will probably be one of the first people you see. Always there to ensure the doors are open, the lights are on and there is a warm welcome for all.
Nic Courtney
Digital & Comms
Over lockdown Nic ran our online worship, re-designed our website and contributed hugely to our outreach online. We are excited to have her serving the church overseeing everything digital
“Over the last few years the church has been propelled forward digitally and we’ve had to think of new ways to make what we do more accessible. I’m so excited that we have the ability to livestream our services and reach more people. Being part of the team at PMCH is great, working towards this hybrid way of thinking and meeting with people where they are, online and in person.”
Morgan Preston
Ministry Placement Student
Morgan was previously heading up our Youth Ministry and has now taken on a Theology degree with Moorlands College. We are thrilled to have him on placement with us supporting our young adults ministry, along with responsibilities in wider pastoral and operational ministries.
"I have been part of PMCH for the majority of my life, growing up through all of our amazing children's and youth programs. It is a joy and privilege to be on the team here. I believe that everyone has a story of the transformation that Jesus has brought in their life and I am passionate about being able to equip everyone to be able to share that!"
Tracey Stafford
Pymouth Soft Play Café Manager
We are thrilled to welcome Tracey to the PMCH Staff Team. Tracey has taken on the role of Café Manager leading a large and dedicated team of staff and volunteers to ensure the smooth day-to-day running of the café. Her experience in community service will be invaluable as we continue to provide a warm and welcoming space for all visitors. Please join us in extending a warm welcome to Tracey as she embarks on this new journey with us.
Mark Haydon
Foodbank Lead
Mark is the newest member of the team at the Foodbank Hub which is a project of the Methodist Mission Circuit. The role involves the day-to-day management of the centre including responsibility for policies, procedures, health and safety and finances.
“Back in 2012, Jesus met me while I was in a dark place. I was lost and seemly without hope. Yet the day Jesus came into my life He started a work of Freedom and recovery. Over the past years, I have seen Jesus heal and restore so many people. To now have the privilege to serve Him and my City, is a blessing beyond my biggest dreams.“
Evelina Mazuru
DC Manager
Evie is the Discover Café manager leading a team of volunteers to provide great food and a warm welcome to all that visit. Originally from Romania; Evelina first moved to the UK in 1996 with her family.
“Apart from cooking, taking care of staff, doing paperwork and all the other things involved in managing the cafe, I also have the opportunity to talk to customers, to pray with them, and to be involved in the lives of our staff and volunteers, it is a privilege to be part of their lives.”
Dave Martin
Pastoral Team
Remaining in Plymouth following retirement as Superintendent Minister at PMCH, Dave has felt the freedom to serve in different ways – including joining the pastoral team.
“We originally arrived in Plymouth in 2006 and became part of the PMCH family even before I became minister here. It’s a wonderful opportunity now to be part of the team offering, love, care, support and encouragement to people on their journey of Christian discipleship.”
Judith Walker
Pastoral Team
Having worked in the church office for many years, Judith has now taken on some of our pastoral work, along with others.
“I’ve been part of the Central Hall church family for most of my life, so know and love a lot of folk who have a long association with PMCH, as well as those who have become part of our church family in more recent times. I count myself privileged to be alongside people in different situations in their lives.”