Day Three

Growing in God’s Grace

“Grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and forever!” 2 Peter 3:18

Have you noticed this verse inscribed on the windows of the Prayer Room at the back of the main hall? If you have never been in that lovely, peaceful space, maybe this is the week to spend some time there as you make your prayer walk into the New Year.

Perhaps you could begin today with some of the being still exercises from Day One.

If you have garden, you may have noticed that things are already beginning to shoot out of the ground. It’s all a bit early and a slightly worrying indication of the state of our planet, but the earth’s ability to constantly recover and grow is amazing.

The New Year is a good time to ask myself: What are the signs that I am growing as a Christian? What am I noticing about myself?

Jesus suggested that as Christians we should “bear fruit” John 15:16

Paul offers us a list of the Fruit of the Spirit Galatians 5:22.  These are worth reflecting on.

Are there any here you could work on a little? Or what ‘fruit’ might be on your list?

One of the ways that Christians down the ages have described the practice of examining our lives is the phrase “spiritual disciplines”. This may sound all rather serious, but the truth is that, having been set back on our feet by God, walking with Jesus is not always as easy as we  might hope.

If you are not used to different ways of praying here briefly is one suggestion. Give it a go. Don’t give up too quickly.

The Prayer of Examen. Especially useful at the end of the day, but also a way of reflecting generally on the past.

Pause and breathe: Take a few deep breaths and become aware of God's presence. 

Give thanks: Express gratitude for the blessings and gifts of the day. 

Ask for light: Ask for the grace to recognize and reject your sins. 

Examine the day: Review your day and consider your thoughts, words, and actions. Notice your reactions to people, events, and places. 

Seek forgiveness: Ask God for forgiveness for times when you acted, spoke, or thought in a way that went against God's grace. 

Resolve to change: Decide what you can improve tomorrow and ask God for the grace and strength to do so. 

Look toward tomorrow: Ask God to show you what challenges and opportunities tomorrow might bring, and what graces you might need. 

Pray for those who are new to the life of PMCH and those who have come to faith recently. Pray for those who walk with them in their growing faith and for us as a whole church to be welcoming, encouraging and supportive.



Day Four


Day Two