Day Four
Living to Serve
“For Christ’s love compels us, because we are convinced that one died for all…” 2 Corinthians 5:14
Was it on Dad’s Army? There was a scene where the squad are lined up in front of Captain Mainwaring and he asks for a volunteer to do some dangerous task. “Right, let’s have a volunteer. Just step forward!” At which point the whole line take one step backwards – with the exception of Corporal Jones, who hasn’t realised and now appears to have stepped forward.
There are many people, even in the life of the church who feel like they volunteered for a job either because nobody else stepped forward or because it was so embarrassing that everyone else was so obviously stepping back.
How are you offering your time, your gifts and your skills to God in the life of the church?
New Year is a good time to assess this.
Draw a chart, a pie chart, a graph, a spread sheet, whichever works for you.
Place on it your God given gifts, skills, aspects of your personality, and other things that make up your life (home, finances, car, phone, computer, garden).
In what ways do you offer these to God and which specifically to the church?
Is it all for church with little time for family and friends, or little for church because you are always engaged elsewhere?
Read John 15: 1-17
How does this help you to re-assess how you serve God?
Do you need to speak with someone else to help you get your life balance right?
Pray today for all the activities in the life of PMCH - there is a list in the Prayer Chapel, or look on our website HERE
Pray for God to continue to raise up gifted people to serve in every dimension of our worship, mission and ministry.