Day Five

Loving my neighbour

“Love your neighbour as you love yourself…. ‘who is my neighbour?’” Luke 10.27&29

Some of Jesus’ parables are a little confusing and his images don’t always transfer well to the 21st century. A camel going through the eye of a needle? Is that a joke that we don’t get?

The question in this parable (Luke 10: 25-37) is simple enough. “Who is my neighbour?”  Jesus’ answer, at the end of a fascinating story, comes in just four words. “Go and do likewise.”

What’s to discuss? The Samaritan was kind and generous and helped someone in need.  Do like him! Anyone who has shown someone else a simple act of kindness will know how often the recipient expresses surprise. To quote Charlie Mackesy’s The Boy, The Mole, the Fox and the Horse “Nothing beats kindness, it sits quietly beyond all things.”

Read through the parable today and sense which parts of the story make you feel uncomfortable. Please note that this is not about feeling guilty for not doing enough. God does not expect us to fix all the world’s problems. However, perhaps the discomfort reminds you of someone you know (an actual neighbour?) to whom you could show some kindness in a simple way.

Why not try a random act of kindness today? Send someone a text message. Buy a friend some flowers. Offer to do someone’s shopping. Ask an elderly neighbour if they need a lift somewhere.

As you pray for PMCH today, ask God that we may be kind and generous, especially in our ministries to the most vulnerable – those who come to the Foodbank; those who attend the Discovery Café or the Soft Play Café; and particularly elderly members of the congregation.



Day Four