Day One
Spirit filled
“I am going to send you what my Father has promised: but wait in the city until you have been clothed with power from on high.” Luke 24:49
It was January 1st 1739 and John Wesley, his brother Charles, and others who were to become leaders of the great revival of the 18th century, were praying together. As the clock passed one in the morning the Holy Spirit fell on them and they worshipped and praised God like never before.
Three months later, one of the men, George Whitefield, persuaded John Wesley of the idea of preaching in the open air. Wesley thought the idea of God converting people outside a church building outrageous. Now filled with the Spirit, “I submitted to be more vile”, he wrote in his journal. Later that day he found himself speaking to three thousand people on the outskirts of Bristol. And so began a movement of the Spirit in this nation that brought hundreds of thousands to faith in Christ. Like the first disciples, these great men found themselves on their knees in prayer, waiting for the Holy Spirit to prepare them for what might come and they were humble enough to know that even the most outrageous idea might be God’s opportunity.
Please make time today, in a space where you know you can be uninterrupted, to be still before God. Even if you are coming to one of our services today, please take extra time to be alone with God. If you know that you are easily distracted, take the opportunity to read a few verses of Scripture and toss them over in your mind. Draw, doodle, write, paint whatever comes to mind.
Read: Psalm 37:7; Psalm 131:2; Luke 24:36-49 Invite the Holy Spirit to fill you afresh.
Pay attention to your breathing and as you breathe in, pray ‘Come Holy Spirit’.
As you reflect on the year that has passed, what is there to be thankful for, to rejoice in, to notice where God was at work?
What might God be asking of you for the year ahead? (Even if it does seem outrageous!)
Take time to rejoice in what being part of PMCH means to you.
Pray for the Church Leadership Team and the paid staff team: for God’s anointing in their role of leadership; for wisdom and guidance. For the selection process for a new Superintendent Minister.