October Update

Dear Friends

How was September for you? At PMCH it has been one of the busiest, yet most exciting months I can recall. I am so grateful to our staff team and also the multitude of people who voluntarily serve for keeping our mission and ministry going.

During September I spent a week with 10 others from PMCH in Romania standing alongside our wonderful brothers and sisters who serve the Roma community. It was a humbling experience on so many levels. To see the delight on the faces of children when given what we'd simply consider basic necessities will stay with me for a long time. Don't be surprised should I appear cynical when confronted with some of the things we choose to let upset us when things aren't quite how we'd like it. We have so much to be grateful for!

I trust that October has a lot in store for us (as you'll see below), but I hope you find time to breathe deeply and appreciate the wonder around us and in each other.

Be Blessed


Lay Pastor

Ps. Why does October come from the root word for the 8th, yet is the 10th month of the year? Answers on a postcard



Welcome Zoë

We are thrilled to introduce our new Youth Pastor Zoë Haydon. She has been a part of our Youth team for many years and she's excited to start her new role at PMCH. 

Job Opportunities at PMCH

We are looking to appoint 2 roles at our Soft Play Café.
Café manager - This is an exciting post in an area of our work that continues to thrive. The manager will be a Christian presence within the Soft Play Cafe, managing staff, the day to day running and resourcing and developing the overall vision with the volunteer management team.
Saturday worker - to work 3.25 hours per week on a Saturday morning but with the opportunity for extra hours on other days to cover holidays etc.
Find out more HERE
Closing date is 7th October.

Bethany Care Home

For many years the Church family at PMCH have with other Churches led devotions at Bethany. Our day is the 3rd Tuesday every month. To be able to continue this we need two more people to join the team. The residents really appreciate this time of worship and fellowship. If this is something that you could do or need any further information please contact Joy Robinson via the Church Office 01752 660997 or office@pmch.org.uk

What’s coming up in October

Prayer Meeting | 02 October | 7:30pm

Once a month we gather to pray for the life of the world, the nation, our city and our church. We would love you to join us at 7:30pm Wednesday 02 October in the Prayer Chapel.

The Social | 05 October | 6pm

Social for all ages from 6-7:30pm. Bring your favourite game and hang out with your friends. Snacks and drinks available. Book HERE

Healing Service & Communion | 06 October | 7pm

Join us this coming Sunday at 7pm for our Healing Service. A time of prayer, centred around communion, seeking God's blessing, healing and wholeness. Everyone welcome!

Gospel Choir | 12 October | 7pm

We will be hosting not one but two choirs at PMCH as Callington and Salcombe Community Gospel Choirs join together for a night of music and Mark Jenner will be performing an organ recital. Retiring collection in aid of Children's Hospice South West and PMCH Organ fund

Foodbank Hub

Foodbank Sunday

Thank you to everyone who brought items along to our Harvest services. The next Foodbank Sunday will be 27 October and we are in desperate need of carrier bags. If you have unused Bags for Life at home please bring them with you and the Foodbank will make good use of them. We are also in need of tinned veg and toiletries


The Foodbank Hub have some new events for families including Hairlicious - learning how to do your child’s hair and arts & craft groups. You can find out more and book your place HERE

Super Hero Party | 31 October | 4:30pm

This fun alternative to Halloween is for the whole family and includes a bouncy castle, mega slide, inflatable jungle assault course, crafts, sweets, hotdogs, songs, and a special visit from our very own superhero. £2 per person.

Messy Church returns in October

Booking is now open for 14 September, if you are planning to join us you can book you place HERE

Coming up this month…

02 October 7:30pm - Church Prayer Meeting

06 October 11am - Morning Worship - Jonny Libby

06 October 7pm - Evening Healing Service & Communion - Dave Martin

07 October 6:30pm - Xclamation returns

07 October 7:30pm - Leadership Team Meeting

13 October 11am - Morning Worship - Deniz Carey

13 October 7pm - Evening Worship - Jonny Libby

15 October 6:45pm - Youth & Children's Team Meeting

19 October 9:20am - Messy Church

20 October 11am - Morning Worship & Communion - Dan Haylett

20 October 7pm - Evening Worship - Kevin Hooke

27 October 11am - Morning Worship - Jonny Libby

27 October 7pm - Evening Worship - Paul Whitell


November Update


September Update