November Update

Dear lovely folk of PMCH

 I wonder how you are feeling as you read this. I’m relieved that it is November and October 31st is done. Each year I am happy when Halloween is over. I hate what it is associated with it, and the idea that our society encourages us to celebrate evil baffles me. Last night PMCH was packed with young families celebrating light. We are so blessed to have such an amazing team who made this event happen, providing a safe and fun place for many of us.

 Did you know that there are only 55 days until Christmas when we celebrate the most startling event ever, of light extinguishing darkness. As John looks for a way to explain the significance of the birth of our Saviour, he does so by saying ‘The Life-Light blazed out of the darkness; the darkness couldn’t put it out.’ (John 1:5 – Message Version).  

The light is still as bright as He has ever been!


Lay Pastor



Gifts from Bethlehem

Jonny has recently received a large shipment of Christmas themed goods from his friends in Bethlehem. On Sunday 10th November there will be an opportunity at each service to have a look at the goods (mostly Olive Wood crafts) and support the work of Christian craftsmen and women from Bethlehem whose shops are currently closed due to the war. This will be your opportunity to look at these goods before Jonny heads off to various Christmas fairs/markets.

What’s coming up in November

Evening of Prayer & Worship | 06 November | 7:30pm

November 6th at 7.30pm the monthly prayer meeting is taking a different shape. The evening will be interwoven with sung worship and prayer.  It will be free flowing and open to the leading of God’s Spirit. We especially want to give time to pray for the process of matching a new Superintendent Minister with PMCH, which will be taking place between 5th and 7th November. Please join us. These are important days to be calling on God to bring peace to the nations and renewal to the Church.

Men’s Curry Night | 07 November | 7pm

Remembrance Sunday | 10 November

On the 10 November we will be starting our morning worship slightly earlier at 10:55am (10:50 Online) to ensure we have enough time to hold a 2 minutes silence. We ask that you take your seats by 10:50am or stay in the hall until the silence has taken place.

Children & Youth Training | 10 November | 12:30

Team training for all the youth and children's teams with a soup lunch. Please scan code to sign up or email

Foodbank Hub

Foodbank Sunday

Our Foodbank Team are at PMCH on the last Sunday of the month. We are still in need of carrier bags so if you have unused Bags for Life at home please bring them with you and the Foodbank will make good use of them. We also need lentils and pulses

Foodbank Prayer Meeting

Join us on the 07 December at 9am as we pray for the Foodbank and the people we connect with at our sessions. Please email Mark for more info


Learn how to do your child’s hair at Hairlicious. You can find out more and book your place HERE

Youth Outing | 29 November | 6:30-8:30pm

New4U will be relocating to Lazer Tag on Friday 29 November. There are limited spaces available and booking will open soon. If you have not signed up to youth updates please email our Youth Paster Zoë and we’ll add you to our mailing list

Messy Church | 16 November | 9:30am

Booking is now open for 19 November, if you are planning to join us you can book you place HERE

Coming up this month…

03 November 11am - Morning Worship - Jonny Libby

03 November 7pm - Evening Worship - Jonny Libby

06 November 7:30pm - Church Prayer Meeting

10 November 10:55am - Morning Worship - Paul Courtney

10 November 12:30 - Youth & Children Team Meeting

10 November 7pm - Evening Service & Communion - Dave Martin

16 November 9:20am - Messy Church

17 November 11am - Morning Worship - Jonny Libby

17 November 7pm - Evening Worship - Mark Woodhouse

24 November 11am - Morning Worship & Communion - Sophie Chatten

24 November 7pm - Evening Worship - Delarre Irving

Dates for your diary in December

10 & 18 December 9:30am - PSPC Christingle

15 December 3pm - Messy Christmas

19 December 5pm - Walking Carols

20 December 3pm - Carols in the DC 

22 December 7pm - Carol Service

24 December 7pm - Christmas Eve Service

25 December 11am - Christmas Day


December Update


October Update