December Update

Dear wonderful PMCH people

A Blessed Holy Sunday to you!

(We know it’s Friday we’ve sent this early in preparation for Sunday 01 December)

This was the greeting I recently received from a dear friend in Bethany, just outside of Jerusalem. Aware of the situation my friend is in, I found myself pausing to appreciate how blessed I really am in light of the seeming chaos that others find themselves. Over the next month as we celebrate Christmas, we will be focussing on the theme of ‘peace’ which is a thread throughout the Messianic prophecies and advent narrative.

I once read this definition of the Greek word that is translated in the New Testament as peace.

“The tranquil state of a soul assured of its salvation through Christ, fearing nothing from God and content with its earthly lot, of whatsoever sort that is.”

The apostle Paul writing to friends says,

‘Let the peace of God rule in your hearts’ (Col. 3:15).

I’m sure that some of you, like me, long for that to happen but the tranquil state of your soul often seems out of reach. I dare to believe we can all experience this peace, because as the words of the song go, ‘the Bible tells me so’.

We’d love to see you throughout December as we explore this theme of peace – have a look HERE for a full list of what we’re preparing for and. make. sure you take note of. changes in services times and Online Church.

Finally, how about praying each day throughout advent that the peace of God would rule in your hearts. I suspect my friend in Bethany does that. After all, it is the same place that Mary was able to sit content at her Saviour’s feet (Luke 10:39).


Buckle up for a bumper issue of our Monthly Message, December is jam packed full of events and our teams are working hard in preparation for Christmas. If you are a regular at PMCH please support us where you can whether that’s serving on team, helping with supplies or attending prayer meetings, and inviting people to services and groups. We are really looking forward to celebrating together this year!


A Big Thank You!

We would like to say a huge thank you to Michael Spiers for sponsoring our Christmas tree this year. It will brighten up our church services as well as providing a backdrop to lots of events happening throughout December and we really appreciate their support.

Welcome Tracey!

We are thrilled to welcome Tracey Stafford to the PMCH Staff Team. Please join us in extending a warm welcome to Tracey as she starts her role as the new Soft Play Café Manager.

Building News

The PMCH Building Team are looking to give our Welcome Area a bit of a facelift in January. A design committee was formed at the beginning of 2024 to talk about what was needed to make the area somewhere people could meet on a Sunday morning, and also make it more accessible for groups and events that happen during the week. We hope that the new design will assist in welcoming new people who have not attended church before and streamline signing up and receiving information on arrival. The team intend to start painting w/c 06 January and it will take about 3 weeks, any budding volunteers would be welcome to help - please talk to Nigel Morris

Join the Team at PMCH

As many of you will know Amber our Operations and Finance Officer will be going on Maternity leave next year and we are looking for the right person to cover the Admin and Finance part of her role. If you or someone you know would be interested in applying you can find out more and download an application form HERE

Update on our search for a new minister

As some people may be aware, we have recently taken part in the first round of the Methodist Church’s Stationing process, which seeks to match churches with ministers who are ready to move to a new church.

 This first round has now concluded and we have not been able to confirm a match for PMCH.

 The second round commences in early January. Please join with us in praying that God will move powerfully to convict hearts and minds in the second round, and that the right minister for PMCH will be identified and feel called to join us from September 2025.

What’s coming up in December

Healing Service | 01 December | 7pm

A time of prayer, centred around communion, seeking God’s blessing, healing and wholeness. You are very welcome if you need prayer for yourself or want to pray with us for the healing of others.

Prayer Meeting | 04 December | 7:30pm

An opportunity to gather as a church family at our monthly prayer meeting on Wednesday 04 December at 7:30pm. Jane & Dave Martin will be leading us in our prayers.

Men’s Curry Night | 05 December | 7pm

We meet once a month on Mutley Plain for curry and conversation. Please contact PMCH Office if you would like to join us.

Soft Play Café Christingle | 10 & 18 December | 9:30am

Book in for Session 1 at Plymouth Soft Play Café to sing some Christmas songs & make your very own Christingle to take home! Spaces are limited so make sure you book in to pne of the dates below


Messy Christmas Sunday | 15 December 3-4:45pm

An afternoon of family fun! Nativity, songs, crafts, activities and refreshments Limited spaces are available so make sure you book your place HERE

We are expecting a busy Messy Christmas this year, please pray for this outreach event. 🙏 We would also like donations of cakes/buns/ mince pies/ fancy biscuits etc with an ingredients list if home made. Please sign up on Welcome desk, or HERE if you can provide some of these afternoon tea treats! If you would like to help with a craft table at Messy Christmas please speak to Alison or Julie. Thank you

Foodbank Hub

Items Needed this Month

Christmas items such as chocolates, treats, crackers and puddings would be gratefully received over the next few weeks as we prepare our Christmas Hampers

Foodbank Prayer Meeting

Join us on the 07 December at 9am as we pray for the Foodbank and the people we connect with at our sessions. Please email Mark for more info


Learn how to do your child’s hair at a special Chrsitmas edition of Hairlicious. You can find out more and book your place HERE

Christmas Day Lunch

We are offering a Hot Christmas Dinner on Christmas Day to those who are alone, or in need.

Please contact the church office (01752 660997) before 18 December if you would like to book a place.

New Year Week of Prayer

2025 is going to be a significant year for PMCH – not least because we are looking for a new Superintendent Minister to join us. We want to begin this year in prayer, humbly approaching our gracious and loving God and laying ourselves open to living more closely to the calling of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. The Leadership Team is inviting all groups and meetings to delay rushing into the New Year’s activities and to spend time in prayer during the week beginning 05 January 2025. You may pray together in place of your meeting or activity, wherever you would normally meet, or choose to meet in the Prayer Chapel or Prayer Room instead. (If you want to use either room, please let the office know so that there are no clashes, or that you are happy to join another group who might be praying there.) The Prayer Chapel will be open for prayer during PMCH office hours (9am to 4pm) and there will be resources for you to use to guide you in your praying. If you are going to be away that week or would rather pray on your own at home, there will be some themes and guidance posted on Facebook each day, so that there is a sense that we are in this together, focusing on Jesus and calling on the Holy Spirit for wisdom and equipping for the future. Please put these dates in your diary now.

“If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.” 2 Chronicles 7:14.

Coming up this month

01 December 11am Morning Worship led by Jonny Libby

01 December 7pm Healing Service & Communion led by Dave Martin

06 December 2pm Funeral Service for Mrs Phyllis Hirons

08 December 11am Morning Worship led by Mark Haydon

08 December 7pm Evening Service led by Deniz Carey

10 & 18 December 9:30am PSPC Christingle

15 December (No Morning Service) 3-4:45pm Messy Christmas

15 December 7pm Evening Service led by Malc Halliday

19 December 5pm Walking Carols

20 December 3pm  Carols in the DC 

22 December 11am Drop in Carols (No livestream)

22 December 7pm - Carol Service (Livestream)

24 December 7pm - Christmas Eve Service

25 December 11am - Christmas Day Family Celebration

29 December 11am All age Christingle Service led by Val Facey (No Livestream)

29 December 7pm No Evening Service

For more information on services and events in December please visit


January Update


November Update