July Update

Dear friends,


This is the last Monthly Message that I will write and as much as there is excitement for us as a family for all that lies ahead, there is obvious sadness at the many goodbyes that have begun.

Recently, someone asked me whether I had ‘fallen out of love with the Methodist Church’ and to be honest I have. There’s plenty of reasons for that, which I’d rather not dwell on here, but that sense of no longer belonging within our tradition is the root cause of seeking employment and vocation elsewhere.

However, and more importantly, I have in no way, fallen ‘out of love’ with the Methodist people, who make up the vast majority of people reading this. Let me share some reasons why.

 Firstly there is a warmth and encouragement that befits the Methodist people. I am so grateful for the care, good humour, encouragement and love that my family have been shown over the past six years. It has been an honour to serve in this appointment and I have felt the strength of your prayers and the kindness of your encouragement throughout that time. For this we are incredibly grateful.

Secondly, the Methodist people have a tendency to remain humble and straightforward. Whether that is our working class roots as a tradition, or something else, its always refreshing to find people who don’t take themselves too seriously, are able to laugh at themselves and realise our need of God and of one another. We have had some fun times,  and we are so grateful for the simplicity of faith and practice that we’ve encountered at the Hall. 

 Lastly, the Methodist people at their best are able to reach out in practical support in remarkable ways. Here I would like to put on record my appreciation for ongoing support and care of the two District Chairs I have served with during our time in Plymouth. Both Graham and Dan have showed remarkable patience and deep compassion for us as a family through some trying times and I want to celebrate this and recognise it. We have experienced support closer to home too - the colleagueship of the staff and circuit stewards has been a gift in recent years, and we’ve seen some fruit from our labours as we’ve supported one another. For every bit of practical support that we have received from you, we are once more incredibly thankful.

I am confident that you will continue to exhibit these and other qualities in your shared life together, and I pray that whoever has the privilege to serve in this appointment next, would experience the same encouragement, warmth, humility and support that I have experienced and have come to treasure.

 With deep affection,



AGM Feedback/elections

 The General Church Meeting was held on 9th June. Minutes are on the noticeboard or can be viewed in the footer T the bottom of this page.

In summary, the meeting elected Nigel Morris, Julie Morris & Paul Courtney for a second and final term as Team Leaders of Foodbank Hub, Youth & Children and Worship & Prayer respectively.

The meeting elected Sarah Chooi, Brian Westlake & Catherine Hodgins for a period of three years as team leaders for Fellowship, Discipleship and Faith in Action respectively.

The meeting elected the following people as church representatives to the Church Council:   Israel Oboh, Veronica Graham, Hilary Robins, Alison Stephens, Mary Beswetherick, Barbara Griffiths, Edward Couch, Elizabeth Warren, Andrew Morris & Marie Coutts.

A report on finances to August 2023 was presented and a conversation on priorities for the following year was held.

Prayer Meeting | 03 July | 7:30pm

We are back in the Prayer Chapel this month for our Monthly Prayer Meeting

Recognition Service for Maria Mills | 07 July 2024 | 7pm

After transferring to us from Pilgrim URC, Maria Mills will be accredited and recognised as a Local Preacher within the Methodist Church on 7th July at PMCH, 7pm. Please do join us as we mark this special occasion with Maria.

Pasty & Sweet Lunch | Monday 08 July | 2.30pm

All are invited to a Pasty & Sweet Lunch followed by speakers Hannah & Glen (Hearing Dogs for Deaf People) There will be a Bring & Buy Stall and tickets (£7) are available to purchase from Church Office

Men’s Curry Club | Sunday 11 July | 7pm

Please note we will be meeting a week later than usual on 11th July. Please contact Nigel Morris if you need more information.

Farewell Meal | Sunday 21 July | 12.30pm

We would love you to join us for lunch on 21 July as we celebrate together through the means of food, and say farewell to Gareth, Laura, Joseph, Naomi and Beth. We are going to provide pulled pork (and vegetarian option) and bread rolls. We would love you to bring and share either desserts or salads to go with the pork, so we suggest coleslaw or green salad or rice and/or pasta salad, tomatoes, sliced cucumber and any other type of salad! Also jars of relish or pickle. Please read our Food Hygiene policy HERE. Sign up HERE to let us know you’re coming and to bring food or use the paper copy on the Welcome Desk.

Foodbank Sunday

Thank you to everyone who donated items at our June collection. We'll be back on 28 July and the items we are asking people to bring along this month are tinned meat and toiletries.

Messy Church returns in September

We’ll be taking a break over July and August, here are the dates for the rest of our sessions in 2024. Have a great Summer everyone!

Sunday Kids & YTH in August

During August we will be taking a scaled back approach to our children and youth provision on Sundays. The New Hall will be available for our young people to use during our service but children (aged 11 or under) will need to be accompanied by their parent/guardian. For more information, please chat to our children/youth team

Staff news

We are sad to announce that Sophie Horlock is moving on from her post as Youth Pastor at the end of the summer. We wish Sophie well in her next endeavour and thank her for all she has brought to the role in her time with us. We will be running a local recruitment drive initially with the aim of having continuity in the post for the early Autumn. Please hold Sophie and this important work in your prayers.

Coming up this month…

1st July 7:30pm Church Council/Circuit Meeting

3rd July Prayer Meeting

6th July Blaze Trethorne Trip

7th July 11am - Morning Worship - Rev Gareth Higgs

7th July 7pm - Evening Communion including the admission of Maria Mills as a Local Preacher

11th July 7pm Men’s Curry Eve at the Mannamead, Mutley Plain

12th - 14th July Youth trip to Newquay

14th July 11am - Morning Worship - Rev Gareth Higgs

14th July 7pm Evening Worship - Mrs Maria Mills

21st July 11am - Morning Communion - Rev Gareth Higgs

21st July 7pm - Evening Worship - Rev Gareth Higgs

28th July 11am - Morning Worship - Pastor Jonny Libby

28th July 7pm - Evening Worship - Mrs Deniz Carey



August Update


June Update