April Update
Dear friends,
On occasion in our staff meeting we read the set Psalm for the day together and reflect upon its application for our life and ministry. The other week we read a portion of Psalm 119, which included the following verse:
‘Seven times a day I praise you
for your righteous rules.’ (Psalm 119:164)
This got some of us to thinking how often we pause to thank and praise our God for His kindness and mercy to us. Could we say, that we intentionally pause to offer praise, seven times a day?
In the season of Easter, when we are celebrating the hope of resurrection and the new life Christ has won for us, this may be a good tradition to begin and seek to continue. If we take 10 hours for sleeping - being rather generous I realise! - that leaves a remaining 14 hours each day. If we paused every two hours to offer God praise and thanksgiving we’d live what the psalmist appears to do. So why don’t we set a recurring alarm, or another form of reminder so that our days are punctuated with praise, not just for the righteous wisdom that comes from God’s Law, but for every blessing that He has given us. I wonder what difference we might notice in our outlook? I wonder what difference others might notice? Let’s be a people of celebration and praise, returning thanks for all that God has done.
Wishing you a very blessed Easter Season,
Thank you Graham!
Like many organisations, the church is built on people who serve faithfully in the background, often unseen and unrecognised, but who provide a vital service. Recently we’ve had some unpleasant problems with our very old drainage system, and our trusty caretaker Graham, has been shoulder deep in… well you can fill in the blank! We thought it worth celebrating this rather unpleasant but very valuable ministry, and also to give you fair warning if Graham smells a bit ripe in the next few days!
Prayer meeting
The next church prayer meeting is on Wednesday 3rd April, 7:30pm led by Jane Martin.
Healing Service
Our next healing service is on Sunday 7th April led by Dave Martin and the team. All are welcome.
Unity Service
We have an important opportunity to gather with other Christians across Plymouth to celebrate our faith. On Thursday 18th April, 7pm, hundreds of Christians will gather for worship at St Andrew’s in an expression of Christian unity. These gatherings are usually a great evening, so why not come an join us and ensure PMCH has a good representation.
Testimony Service
Our next testimony service is on Sunday 21st April at 7pm. Gareth is leading the service and would be glad to hear from anyone who has a story of what God has been doing in their life recently. Please contact the church office or Gareth directly.
On Sunday 28 April in the evening we welcome friends from the Plymouth & Devonport Circuit for a Combined Easter Offering service for Methodist Women in Britain.
We have another baptism service coming up in May. If you would like to be baptised, or come into membership of our church, please speak to Pastor Jonny or Gareth.
Coming up this month…
Wednesday 3rd April - Church Monthly Prayer Meeting - 7:30pm
Sunday 7th April - Morning Worship 11am - Dr Maria Earl
Sunday 7th April - Healing Service with Holy Communion 7pm - Rev Dave Martin
Sunday 14th April - Morning Worship 11am - Pastor Jonny Libby
Sunday 14th April - Evening Worship 7pm - Mr Mark Haydon
Monday 15th April - Church Council 7pm
Monday 15th April - Leadership Team 7:30pm
Thursday 18th April - Unity Service 7pm - St Andrews
Sunday 21st April - Morning Communion 11am - Rev Gareth Higgs
Sunday 21st April - Testimony Service 7pm - Rev Gareth Higgs
Sunday 28th April - Morning Worship 11am - Rev Gareth Higgs
Sunday 28th April - MWIB Easter Offering Service 7pm - Deacon Val Facey