January Update

Dear friends,

Happy New Year!

Thank you so much for the many cards and gifts my family and I received during the Christmas period. It is so special to experience such love and kindness from so many.

As we begin to leave the Christmas traditions behind us for another year, our thoughts turn to what is ahead. 2024 may well bring some things we expect and others we haven’t bargained for. By this time next year we may well have another government, we may well be looking forward also to the inevitable hopes and then despair of another international football tournament in the summer. Whatever lies ahead I hope and pray that you will decide to step into 2024 alongside the Lord Jesus.

I once read R.T.Kendall reflecting on the visit of Jesus and His family to the temple. Jesus, we surmise, is around twelve years old and is seemingly engrossed in learning from the rabbis in the temple. His parents, thinking Jesus is with them among the family travelling party set off back home, unaware that they have very nearly lost the Son of God! Of course, Jesus is to be found, where? - in His Father’s house. The whole story can be read in Luke 2:41-52.

Two reflections for the year ahead. 1) It’s so easy to press on without Jesus and not realise it. We can throw ourselves into activity, well-intentioned decisions, yet all the time, discover that Jesus was off in an all together other direction. Let’s do our best to keep in step with Jesus in the year ahead, to follow in His footsteps wherever they may lead.

2) If you want to find Jesus, His Father’s house is a good place to start. This is not a perfect illustration, neither is it perfect theology, but it works enough to make a valid point. The Church is certainly not without blemish, but mysteriously and graciously, among its sacraments and saints (by that I mean ordinary believers like you and me) we discover something of Jesus’ way, truth and life. It’s easy when we are hurt or discouraged to hide, but I want to encourage you at the outset of the year to make your way to the Father’s house, that you might meet meaningfully with Jesus.

When each of us meet deeply with Him, we have all the more chance of keeping in step with Him in the year ahead.

With every blessing for 2024,


Thank you!

We wanted to say a huge thank you to our amazing team of volunteers who worked so hard over Christmas time to serve our city. We have had some incredible feedback and some wonderful stories of how the Lord met with people in different ways, and we could only provide these spaces because of the time, talent and effort a whole range of people gave in the run-up to Christmas. Thank you for your service and dedication to our work and mission here.

Church Monthly Prayer Meeting | Wednesday 01 January 7:30pm

Do come and join us as we lay the year ahead before the Lord at our church monthly prayer meeting. Led by Dave & Jane Martin, we will focus this month on the Discovery Café amongst other things.

Curry night | Thursday 04 January 7pm

Any men are welcome to join us for a curry at the Mannamead on Mutley Plain. Bring £12 which will cover the cost of your meal, a drink and a small donation to our partner charity FAST Romania. Meet from 7pm onwards, 4th January.

Bible Study | Tuesday 09 January 2pm

The weekly Bible Study will resume on Tuesday 9th January, at 2pm in the Parlour. This term we will be studying 2 Timothy. The sessions are mostly led by Gareth & Jonny.

Coming up this month…

Wednesday 3rd January - 7:30pm - Church Monthly Prayer Meeting

Thursday 4th January - 7pm - Men’s Curry Night at The Mannamead, Mutley Plain

Sunday 7th January - 11am - Morning Worship Rev Gareth Higgs

Sunday 7th January - 7pm - Traditional Covenant Service Rev Gareth Higgs

Monday 8th January - 7:30pm - Leadership Team meeting

Tuesday 9th January - 2pm Bible Study resumes

Tuesday 9th January - 3:30pm - Church Safeguarding Team Meeting

Sunday 14th January - 11am - Morning Worship - Paul Whitell

Sunday 14th January - 7pm - Evening Worship - Rev Gareth Higgs

Monday 15th January - 7:30pm - Discipleship & Fellowship Team joint meeting

Thursday 18th January - 7:30pm - Local Preachers’ Meeting

Saturday 20th January - 9:20am - Messy Church

Sunday 21st January - 11am Informal Covenant Service - Rev Gareth Higgs

Sunday 21st January - 7pm Evening Worship - Pastor Jonny Libby

Sunday 28th January - 11am Pick n Mix

Sunday 28th January - 7pm - Evening Worship - Rev Gareth Higgs

Monday 29th January - 7:30pm - Worship & Prayer Team Meeting


February Update